H. Bartow Farr, III, Esq. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) has finally met its challengers in the highest Court in the land and following the three days showdown, there’s nothing left but watchful waiting for the Supreme Court to hand down its final decision. All media outlets from left, right and supposedly middle are covering the events and hundreds of experts are ready to make predictions based on the inflections in one Justice’s voice. I made a point to not read any of that, and if you are an informed citizen who still insists on making his/her own mind, the very impartial SCOTUS blog is the place to go for links to the audio and transcripts of all oral arguments and all briefs submitted to the Court. By this logic you should probably not read what follows below either, but if you do, this is an unorthodox (neither left nor right) look at the proceedings from a citizen's point of view, a perspective that struck me as lacking in the proceedings themselves....