Everybody has a shadow. Although as a small child you may have tried, you cannot separate yourself from your shadow no matter what you do. Electronic medical records may be the first tiny step on the road to attaching yet another indivisible part to your persona, a “panoramic, high-definition, relatively comprehensive view of a patient that doctors can use to assess and manage disease”, and this, in the words of Dr. Eric Topol , is the “essence of digitizing a human being”. Dr. Abraham Verghese , named this digitized entity iPatient and expressed concern that the “iPatient threatens to become the real focus of our attention, while the real patient in the bed often feels neglected, a mere placeholder for the virtual record”. Whether you share Dr. Topol’s enthusiasm or Dr. Verghese’s worries, or experience a combination of both, your medical digital self, has been born. And nurtured by leaps and bounds in technology, it will soon grow to loom as large as your shadow at sunset. Today’s el...