Congratulations! We have a new buzzword trending in health care IT - Public APIs. You can say public APIs everywhere you used to say interoperability. You can also replace the very unprofessional “EHRs can’t talk to each other” with “EHRs lack public APIs”. People will nod in solemn agreement, and you will sound very informed and up to date on the latest developments, but just in case you encounter the quintessential child inquiring about the king’s rather scant wardrobe, here is a little background information. (Very) Brief Introduction to Public APIs API stands for application programming interface. Yes, interface, like the ones you have with your claims clearinghouse or your lab service provider or pharmacies. There are several ways to classify APIs, but for our discussion, we only need to consider two types of APIs: data APIs and services APIs. Data APIs are the simplest, and go something like this: software A sends a request for information to software B, and software B sends...